We’re committed to helping children maintain healthy teeth and gums, and since we specialize in pediatric dentistry, we have tools and specialized knowledge that can help in these kinds of situations.
When Do Babies Usually Get Teeth?
Babies usually get their first teeth when they’re about six to ten months old. The first teeth to come in are usually the central incisors (the teeth in the middle, at the front of the mouth).
After the central incisors come in, more teeth erupt throughout the baby and toddler years. Second molars are usually the last to arrive, when the toddler is as old as three years old.
What Causes Delays In Teeth Eruption?
There are many things that can cause delays to tooth eruption including premature birth, low birth weight, malnutrition and some syndromes like Downs syndrome and Apert syndrome. Often, delays to tooth eruption are no concern, but it’s important to rule out any problems when your child’s teeth fail to come in on time.
What Should You Do If Your Child’s Teeth Are Delayed?
It’s important to bring your child to the dentist within six months of their teeth erupting or by the time they turn one year old – whichever comes first. If your child still does not have teeth when they’re one year old, bring them to the dentist for a checkup.
The dentist will be able to examine your child’s teeth to determine whether there are any problems that may be causing the delay so you can address these issues as soon as possible.
Are You Concerned About Delayed Tooth Eruption? Call Today
Bringing your child to Big Grins for a pediatric dental exam in Fort Collins, CO, can help answer your questions. Call today to make an appointment and learn more about your child’s tooth eruption, what you can expect in the coming months, and how you can help your child develop strong, healthy teeth.